Here's where you can purchase exclusive Lady Bee offerings in the highest quality, which won't be appearing elsewhere on the internet — the very latest photographs. To see her latest films go to Lady Bee TV.
PLEASE NOTE: For privacy purposes, any purchase will appear as 'LB Productions' on your billing or bank statements.
Please note: These products contain full frontal female nudity and no pornographic content.
ALL the material is copyright. It is strictly for your personal use and must not be shared or copied in whole or in part. Publication on any medium including the Internet would be in serious violation of copyright laws and would render the offender liable for both criminal and civil prosecution.
Uunder the provisions of UK law (Digital Economy Act 2018), the sale of any material classified as 'Over 18', i.e. containing nudity or of a sexually provocative nature, may not be sold or distributed to minors. The sale of all Lady Bee Private Collection products, i.e. photosets and videos, is therefore limited to adults and controlled by a strict age-verification process. You may not purchase these items if you are under 18 (or 21 in some areas or states) or where the Laws of your country forbid such purchases. By making a purchase you are confirming that you are over 18 (or 21 in some countries and states).